3 Best Practices in Load Securement for Truckers

by | Mar 28, 2022 | Transportation | 0 comments

Freight trucking is essential to giving the masses access to the goods they need. But if your shipments aren’t secure, you’re going to have a hard time getting your cargo to its destination in one piece. That’s why it’s so crucial for truckers to understand and follow the best practices for load securement solutions. Fortunately, learning these processes is a bit simpler with our overview of strategies that can help ensure your shipments stay safe and intact.

Select the Best Solutions for Your Shipping Needs

Perhaps the best practice in load securement for truckers is understanding which solutions are best for your shipping needs and selecting accordingly. The load securement solutions on the market are as vast and versatile as the cargo they secure. So don’t rush investing in any top-of-the-line belts, chains, or load bars.

First, ensure that you’re getting exactly the product that you need to handle your unique cargo. For instance, what you’d use on a shipment of groceries likely looks different than the equipment you’d use to secure heavy machinery. That’s why it’s wise to ensure you understand what type of load securement equipment is most fitting and effective for the cargo you ship.

Take Care of Load Securement Products

With that said, if you don’t know how to take care of them, it won’t matter what type of securement solutions you invest in. After all, securing cargo will start to take a toll on even the most well-manufactured straps and belts.

That’s why you must ensure you’re doing everything you can to maintain your equipment and keep it in pristine condition for as long as possible. There are multiple ways you can do this, including:

  • Covering up sharp corners in your trailer (this protects straps and belts from damage)
  • Clean, dry, and store your equipment correctly (keeps the quality of your products intact) 
  • Know when it’s time to have them replaced (even top-notch gear goes bad eventually) 

Of course, all equipment will require its type of special maintenance. But the general idea is to ensure that all of your securement solutions stay in excellent shape through diligent maintenance and proper care. It’s pretty simple when you think about it. And that’s why we had to include it in our list of best practices in load securement for truckers.

Check Inside and Outside Your Truck Before Trips

Freight truckers should also practice regular inspections of the inside and outside of their vehicles. Doing so is one of the easiest ways to increase safety and efficiency with every shipment. You can start this process by checking to ensure that your load’s securement systems are properly locked in place.

After determining your cargo is secure, look for any loose objects or potentially hazardous items in your trailer. Once you finish there, check your tailboard or tailgate security to verify that all mechanisms are fully functional and operating according to their design. You’ll also need to check that your end gates are snug and secure in their respective stake pockets.

Double-check both sides of your trailer to ensure your load is adequately protected from shifting and falling on the road. Lastly, ensure that your rear doors close securely. These types of pre-trip examinations can help you pinpoint potential issues long before they have a chance to damage your shipment or cause a collision on the road. So don’t skip over this part of the process.

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